Humans were not the only ones who saw the second plane crash on the twin tower. After 63 seconds of the second plane crash, which is 6:35 pm IST, a signal was created from the outer space of Earth. If you try to map the flag's location on land, then it is above the lake name, Lago do Arpãouba, Codajás, State of Amazonas, Brazil at -3.57 latitude and -62.42 longitude while moving towards Sector 3 from Sector 1. This signal is a flag message to tell Anyone(Not only Humans).
In outer space, there are around 15 flags, and none of them is above India. India, the land of Rishi's, From past one million years here real Rishi and Muni have spelled so many mantras that's why real Rishi/Muni(not- dhongi, pakhandi, imposter, or fake) can see the Existential Magnetic and Dynamic Functional Messages and even flags through naked eyes but now it is impossible to find genuine Rishi. India still has unlimited positive energies.
4th Dimensional Flag at -3.57,-62.42 |
In simple words, I can say that After translating the Flag using Existential Magnetic Field's Patterns and Color on the EMFPAC MAP. This color is a sign of Energy, Danger, to not trust and these 4 arcs(quarter-circle) is a sign of hope. Overall this says that this planet is filled with a source of energy and hope to have a life but can't trust; treat with precautions. Orange color is always treated as energy, danger, and no trust. If anyone is going on that planet, then always go with precautions. Here Trust can go with both energies on that planet and living things on that planet. Here orange is either too dark or too light. A mix of Dark and Bright Orange color is always treated as an unlimited source of energies like the Sun, Center points of cumulative Energies of the Solar System, and a Blackhole. This means Inside Earth, we have an unlimited source of Energies. This means they know something we Humans haven't discovered about our planet. Blue is a sign of water availability, and variation in this color shows the availability in every form.
I don't know why they specifically choose these coordinates because 19 % of our oxygen comes from Amazon, and the ozone layer is always tough to breach(pass-through) of that area by space-craft. I think they choose that area because they want to flag this message at strong sources of any planet.
Important Keywords: Aliens, World Trade Center, Twin tower attack, 4th Dimensional Flag, 9/11, Existential Magnetic and Dynamic Functional Message
Keywords: Earth, Ozone, 9LU 137786, 9LU137786
Important Keywords: Aliens, World Trade Center, Twin tower attack, 4th Dimensional Flag, 9/11, Existential Magnetic and Dynamic Functional Message
Keywords: Earth, Ozone, 9LU 137786, 9LU137786